Tuesday 22 July 2014

Starbucks and other banned substances...

Hey you beauties!

From the time you are diagnosed you are told what you should and shouldn't do. You get treated like a child who has no self control. One of the hardest things to do is cut out sugar, caffeine and alcohol from your diet. ENTIRELY!

I'm A LITTLE BIT OF A REBEL- I also have very little self-control. I'm not saying I'm right to rebel, but surely as the saying goes, everything in moderation, can't be too wrong... can it? I pretty much stick to a particular way of eating due to training and my lymphatics but even so, I'm not one to avoid social situations.

I'll address diet and foods that are 'great for the lymphatic flow' another time.

Us lymphies still like to live our lives socially. One of the hardest things is going out for cocktails or coffee with friends and family. Some people, who are controlled (yes, these people do exist!) will sip at their water smugly. I, however try to make it work out for me. I'm 27. I'm not missing out on the best years of my life where I'm not lumbered with baggage that comes in adorable baby form...

How do I do it?

  • Coffee dates


CAFFEINE FREE FRAPPUCINO! You can cut the sugar too by asking for sugar free syrup etc. I've tried and tested the cake batter and mojito ones. Honestly, they are to die for. As long as you don't drink them every day.

  • Partying
Low alcohol wine. Low alcohol beer. Every other drink have a glass of water or a mocktail...
Some wines:
White- Natureo Muscat 2012
Miranda Summer Light Sauvignon Blanc
Red- Summer Light Shiraz

  • Sugar intake
The hardest of the lot. try and eat food that doesn't come in a packet. Fruit harbours lots of natural occurring sugars if you need a boost. natural sugars are better than added ones.

Lots of love xoxox

Copyright Lauren Toner 2011-2014

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